Sunday, 17 April 2016

Ecuador Earthquake

We left Ecuador 3 days before the earthquake.  The eight people continuing on to walk the Inca Trail were in Cusco when the quake struck and would not have felt it.  They are currently out of cell phone and email range but I talked to them a few hours earlier when they were packing and all was well.

While in Ecuador we often remarked on the building code and its apparent weaknesses and so can imagine the devastation that has occurred on the coast. Our thoughts are with Ecuadorians recovering from the effects of the quake.

Incidentally if you are thinking of a trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos, if you can you should still go. Tourism is very important to Ecuador and the sooner it recovers the sooner the country returns to normal.  The Galapagos and the Amazon areas are unlikely to be affected and transport links through Guaquil and Quito will be quickly restored.


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